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So nice of you to pop by. I’m Emma living in the north of Sweden, and I have an obsessive need to create things, a weakness for folding papers, making note books and sewing even though me and my sewing machine never are the best of friends.

My heart beats for wooden floors, big windows, thick rugs and the colors gray, beige, black, white and blue which translate into I’m not a colorful person. I am a interior designer and a visual merchandiser but not working with neither of those. I also like to design blogs but never seems to have the time.

Occasionally you will see some of my drawing and illustrations too, which I secretly hope to be selling some day.

I write both in Swedish and in English even though I never seem to get any better at it. English that is.


You can follow the blog via: BLOGLOVIN – FEEDBURNER – INSTAGRAM


Add yours →

  1. Anna-Rosa says:

    You run the most amazing blog. I just wanted to say thank you for all the diy sharing and inspiration! Anna-Rosa

  2. Tais says:

    Hello Emma,

    I just wanted to tell you that your site is great. i find your DIY section truly amazing including the photos. I definitely have to try some of them.



  3. Lisa says:

    brilliant! xoxo

  4. Jessica says:

    Dear Emma,
    I can only say wow! This really is one of the most beautiful and inspiring blogs around. I can’t stop looking and you are keeping me of work. :-D

    Thank you so much.
    Kind Regards,


  5. lisen says:

    tack för fin blogg!

  6. Alina says:

    Ohh, simply an amazing blog.
    And woooohh your photos – totally loving all of them.
    What’s your camera called (if I may ask)?
    Merry christmas :-)

  7. Natalie says:

    Tack så hemskt mycket för en bra DIY blogg! Finns inte så många sådana bloggar i Sverige. Kram på dig och gott nytt år!

  8. Decofairy says:

    Great blog! Nice to find you!!!

  9. Valentina says:

    Your blog is totally amazing!
    I hope you don’t mind if sometimes I’ll share some inspirations on, obviously keeping your credits!
    Thank you!


  10. You do have a fantastic blog sooooo glad i found it.

  11. Elena says:

    Your diy works and pictures selection is beautiful!


  12. Kay says:

    Beautiful tutorials, lovely blog.

  13. wai-lian says:

    * beautiful *

  14. Vera says:

    I think I have a new favorite blog! <3 Thank you so much, it's truly beautiful and incredibly inspirational. I just want to change the whole layout of my own blog now ;)

    Have a lovely sunday!
    -Vera, Norway.

  15. Kitty says:

    Love the diy and imaes on your blog. I just found a new favorite blog! A wrote a post about your diy paper beads. Love them!

    Warm regards,


  16. Nasyitah says:

    Yours is officially my favourite blog now. Love your Scandinavian design sensibilities. My design philosophy is “Less is more” but very often I find myself too cowardly to stick to being less. Truly inspired. Thank you!

    :) Nasyitah. Jakarta, Indonesia/Singapore

  17. Such a beautiful blog! What is the typeface used for your post headlines?
    Stopped over via the design sponge article on your stars.

  18. Joan Granat says:

    Hej Emma
    Du er en fantastisk dygtig blogger, jeg kan sidde i timevis og beundre dit værk, og så laver du nogle virkelig flotte tegninger. Mange tak for alle de gode oplevelser.
    Joan fra Danmark

  19. Marie-Laure says:

    good morning Emma,

    Your blog is Absolutely beautiful and so inspiring. Just all I love.

  20. Alyssa says:

    hello emma!

    i just wanted to say that your blog has become such an inspiration for me. your simple ideas are very innovative and match up with my own minimalistic aesthetic and approach to design. thank you for sharing a new perspective of design and shedding light to the term “less is more”. xo

  21. Patrizia says:

    Like your blog and your photo <3

  22. Found your blog with bloglovin’, so happy that i found it! It’s such an inspirational blog, especially for a fashion design student like me. Your minimal images and interior posts are just beyond everything. Keep up the good work!
    Love, Joelle – The Netherlands

  23. Tack!
    Så glad jag blev över att hitta din sida!
    Fantastiska diy beskrivningar, bilder mått och beskrivningar är lätta att följa.

  24. Lisa says:

    Hello Emma!Just found your tutorials on pinterest and feel so lucky! Such an amazing blog and so many beautiful things to diy. Oh God, you’re awesome! Thank you so much for sharing.. keep on inspiring us! :)

  25. Natascha Høier says:

    Hej Emma,
    Hvor er jeg lykkelig over, at jeg har fundet din blog, du har givet mig lysten til at være kreativ tilbage. Du er virkelig inspirerende og de ting du laver er helt fantastiske! Jeg elsker læder-notebook indlægget, dine stjerne og den grå stofkasse, du har lavet.
    Du har dig en ny fast læser, jeg glæder mig til at se mere diy fra dig.

    Mange knus fra Natascha <3

  26. Lindley says:

    What a beautiful blog. You have such talent and such a gift – everything is just clean and warm and exciting. Minimal but so rich and layered. Thank you!

  27. Twój blog jest piękny .
    Dziękuję za inspiracje.

  28. silvia says:

    I do love your blog, it’s like you can breath the Nordic atmosphere just scrolling through the images!
    Keep going!

  29. alex says:

    Love your photos

  30. Ilia Fathi says:

    Very cool photos! Love the subtle colors.

  31. Lovely blog! I’m a half Swedish designer but I live in Barcelona so hej-hola and keep up the beautiful work!

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